"Takes us back to a time when the fields and woodlands of these mountains were filled not with the noise of traffic, construction and the schoolyard shouts of children at recess, but with the explosions of musketry, war cries and the dark silence following massacre and devastation.”
(Read full review, History of Cherokee War is top notch, in Smoky Mountain News by Jeff Minick, April 17, 2013.)
“In a journey that brought her back hundreds of years through manuscripts, old letters and archives, [Nadia Dean] has uncovered a hero, written a book and shed light on one of the lesser understood times in American, Appalachian and Cherokee history.”
(Read full article, A forgotten chapter: Author ventures into Dragging Canoe's rebel war against the whites, in Smoky Mountain News by Andrew Casper, April 10, 2013.)
“A Demand of Blood is imaginative, gracefully written, and brimming with excellent research in archival sources. Nadia Dean powerfully conveys a visceral sense of eighteenth-century people and places and vibrantly recaptures the gritty realities of everyday life among Cherokees and colonists.”
David L. Preston, Professor of History, The Citadel Military College
“A masterful and eye-opening account of the intrigue and deception practiced upon the Cherokee by the British and Loyalists as well as by the American Patriots during the American Revolution. A highly documented examination of an aspect of the struggle too-long ignored. A superb work.”
Ron Swain, Spartanburg Regional History Museum